The Rethinking AIDS Website predominantly displays Emery Taylor as one of many people living just fine without HIV medications. The Home Page at Rethinking AIDS says…
“HIV+ for over 10 years, no meds, healthy”
Emery Taylor was interviewed at the RA2009 Conference:"According to the numbers I have AIDS, but when you look at me you see a healthy 28-year old ... I don't spell AIDS at all ... I work 70 hours a week ... It's just not consistent with what my doctor said would happen eleven years ago when I tested positive."
Emery Taylor has died. The following Facebook page announces his memorial service.
"It's with heartfelt sympathy that Rehoboth Temple communicates the passing of one of its members, Emery Taylor.
Our condolences and prayers are with his family, friends and the many whose lives were touched by him.
See past stories on How AIDS Denialism Can Kill You
Part V: Karri Stokely
Part IV: One Too Many Coincidences
Part III: Lambros Papantoniou
Kim Bannon
Part II: Henry Bauer
Part I: AIDS Myths Exposed
Our condolences and prayers are with his family, friends and the many whose lives were touched by him.
See past stories on How AIDS Denialism Can Kill You
Part V: Karri Stokely
Part IV: One Too Many Coincidences
Part III: Lambros Papantoniou
Kim Bannon
Part II: Henry Bauer
Part I: AIDS Myths Exposed