Monday, August 22, 2011

AIDS Denialist Henry Bauer Offers a Messy Cure for AIDS

Posted by Henry Bauer @ HIV/AIDS Sketicism

A simple, inexpensive, non-toxic cure for AIDS that has no negative side-effects has been described by Pacini and Ruggiero at the 6th International AIDS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis, Treatment and Prevention (Rome, 17-20 July 2011).
The basic mechanism involves stimulation of the immune system which increases CD4 counts and corrects CD4/CD8 balance, in “HIV-positive” people and also in HIV-negative people.
Recall that AIDS was discovered and defined in the early 1980s as Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, the immune deficiency being specifically a loss of CD4 cells. Later the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defined AIDS as being “HIV-positive” with a CD4 count below 200. Therefore an increase of CD4 above that level constitutes reversion of AIDS to non-AIDS.

Note in particular that Pacini and Ruggiero obtained increases in CD4 counts
of several hundred in a few weeks whereas the claimed benefits of anti-retroviral therapy cite increases of only about 90 per year.
That a healthy immune system can withstand HIV has also been emphasized by Luc Montagnier, co-discoverer of HIV, on several occasions. Two decades ago, it was shown in Montagnier’s laboratory that in fact HIV alone is harmless to immune-system CD4 cells but that the latter may be damaged by a mycoplasma that appears to be often present in some patients.

The immune-system stimulation described by Pacini and Ruggiero appears to act in a similar fashion as yogurt-type bacteria that are among (or are similar to) the beneficial microflora found in healthy guts. This work therefore confirms the intestinal dysbiosis hypothesis of Tony Lance which explains why “AIDS” first appeared as Gay-Related Immune Deficiency, restricted to fast-lane gay men, and why gay men still tend to test “HIV-positive” more frequently than others.


  1. Congratulations, about time you posted something factual for a change.

  2. I love that Bauer claims this single work "confirms the intestinal dysbiosis hypothesis of Tony Lance"!

    And Bauer finishes by proving what a bigot he is with the "fast lane gay men, and why gay men still tend to test HIV Positive more frequently than others." Not only is that a statement of a bigot, but also of a liar! Heterosexual women, especially in Africa, are now the front runners in testing HIV Positive.

    Henry Bauer is plainly crazy. He is no scientist.

  3. Apparently, Ruggiero says you can eat the yoghurt now. So it isn't quite as messy.

  4. There's something seriously kooky about Henry's ongoing obsession with the mechanical and microbial integrity of the gay male intestinal tract. Especially given his manifest and almost perfect ignorance of epidemiology, sexuality, immunology or indeed of biological sciences in general.

    Equally curious is his fixation on this group he likes to refer to as "fast-lane gay men". Apparently this exotic tribe is unique in the history of human societies for having sex, going to parties and taking intoxicating substances - sometimes doing all three in a single night!.

    This somehow leads to "intestinal dysbiosis" (aka AIDS), which is fortunately now curable with Mad Marco's Magic Yoghurt (patent pending).

    Originally I thought both Henry and Mad Marco were hoax characters created to parody some of the weirdness that develops when academics are allowed to exercise their nutty obsessions insulated from what the rest of us call the real world.

    But the joke wears thin when they deliberately target their loony scams to desperate people with real and serious diseases.

  5. "Two decades ago, it was shown in Montagnier’s laboratory that in fact HIV alone is harmless to immune-system CD4 cells but that the latter may be damaged by a mycoplasma that appears to be often present in some patients."

    Actually, this is completely incorrect and the opposite of what it truly showed in light of all the relevant facts. It's too bad Bauer never seems to read up on current (less than 20 year old) events in HIV research.

  6. Good blog

    Acquired immune deficiency syndrome or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a disease of the human immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).[1][2][3] The illness interferes with the immune system making people with AIDS much more likely to get infections, including opportunistic infections and tumors that do not affect people with working immune systems. This susceptibility gets worse as the disease continues. Post by

  7. AIDS patients are simply more CFS patients. And it already well-documented that HIV is not the cause of CFS/ME. The medical establishment will have you believe that Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (CFS/ME) is some sort of ‘mysterious illness,’ but it’s no mystery to me; CFS/ME leads to HIV-Negative AIDS, idiopathic CD lympocytopena (a clinical diagnosis that I possess). How can the orthodox AIDS establishment continue on with a stale "It's HIV" mantra when there are HIV-Negative AIDS cases dating back to 1992? While millions of ailing immunodeficient CFS/ME patients get belittled and neglected, very healthy HIV+ people are convinced to take a bunch of expensive, toxic medication. It's such a sham, and its so easy to see that the medical establishment simply has their paradigms (CFS, AIDS) backwards. I am living proof that CFS/ME patients are the real AIDS patients. And its not caused by HIV.
